
Learn Design

Hey! My name is Marina! Are you an Aspiring Designer? Besides designing for my clients, I also love to help Seasoned Creatives, Entrepreneurs, Marketers, and Anyone Else who wants to dabble in the wonderful world of design. My blog features design tips and tricks. Go ahead, grab a coffee, come back and start learning!

Serif vs Sans Serif⁠ Fonts

Serif vs Sans Serif⁠ Serif and sans-serif fonts are two distinct typographic styles that differ in their appearance and usage. Serif fonts are characterized by small decorative lines (serifs) at the ends of characters, such as Times New Roman or Georgia. These serifs create a [...]

Optical Alignment

What is Optical Alignment?⁠⁠ When your composition is aligned via math, but something about it still looks off and it drives you completely insane.⁠⁠ That's when Optical Alignment comes into play.⁠ By using what? You guessed it, your eyes.⁠⁠ Apply these principals to things such [...]


RGB / CMK / SPOT COLOUR! What's the Difference? RGB (Red, Green, Blue) is used for screen, web, digital⁠⁠ CMYK (Cyan, Magenta, Yellow, Black) is used for print⁠⁠ SPOT COLOUR (Pantone Matching System - PMS) is used for print⁠⁠


CMYK vs SPOT COLOUR: Which one should you use?⁠⁠ CMYK - CYAN / MAGENTA / YELLOW / BLACK⁠ Also called 4 Color Process, these colours are mixed together and applied on paper with thousands of tiny dots on a paper to create an image. Endless [...]

Breathing Room

Breathing Room The space that is in between design elements.⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ Just like a cluttered living room full of tchotchkes can make one feel anxious with the dire need to run away 🏃🏻‍♀️, so can a cluttered layout.⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ Easy to read layouts are easy [...]

Types of Logos

Lettermark, Wordmark, Combination Mark, Pictorial Mark. What's the difference?⁠⁠     Pictoral Mark Just a symbol, icon or pictorial. Nothing else. Rome wasn't built in a day and neither were these brands. It can take decades to be instantly recognized by a mere symbol. Wordmark Just [...]

WordPress.com vs WordPress.org

WordPress.com vs WordPress.org Confused between WordPress.com and WordPress.org? Here is a simple explanation: wordpress.com - WordPress will host your website for you for free but it comes with a hefty price tag of a horrible looking domain like thisdesigngirl.wordpress.com. wordpress.org - You host your own website. [...]

How Much Does a Logo Cost?

How Much Does a Logo Cost? Logos can go anywhere from being free to $1,000,000 to apparently $1.28 billion. But let's stay a little more realistic shall we? Depending on how much experience the designer you hire has, logo costs can usually be summed up [...]

Design 101 ~ Negative Space

Design 101 ~ Negative Space In my previous articles, I speak many times that a good design will consist of several things. Good typography, use of images, relevant content, color theory etc. But we must not forget the glue that holds it all together. Negative space. [...]

Is Your Ad Design Ugly?

Is Your Ad Design Ugly? Is your ad design ugly? What truly makes a great design? An effective design or ad is not just all about looks. There are 3 main components when designing anything whether it be a simple web banner, a lead sales page, a [...]

Why is Fiverr Bad?

Why is Fiverr Bad? I just paid $5 for this horrible logo at horriblelogos.com. This guy gets paid $5 to design ugly logos to feed his beer habit. I think the premise of his site is to make fun of other sites that charge $5 for logos. [...]

What is Mechanical Paste-Up?

What is Mechanical Paste-Up Mechanical Paste-up refers to a method of creating or laying out publication pages that predates the use of the now-standard computerized page design desktop publishing programs. Completed, or camera-ready, pages are known as mechanicals or mechanical art. Wikipedia Here. Way Back [...]

Vector vs Raster Infographic

Vector vs Raster Infographic Many of my clients are a bit confused on the difference between Vector and Raster. Just like when my accountant tells me there's an easy calculation to do payroll source deductions. Um no thanks. Find out what the difference is below in my Vector vs [...]

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