Breathing Room

The space that is in between design elements.⁠⁠


Just like a cluttered living room full of tchotchkes can make one feel anxious with the dire need to run away πŸƒπŸ»β€β™€οΈ, so can a cluttered layout.⁠⁠
Easy to read layouts are easy on the eyes. If you have too much happening, chances are, your reader would have lost interest at first glance. Remember, nowadays, people don’t even read, they scan.⁠ πŸ™‹πŸ»β€β™€οΈβ β 
Make sure you leave plenty of margin and breathing room all around your layout. You do not need to write a novel to get a few points across, and even if you do, design it in a way that will keep the reader engaged. Remember, less is more! ⁠⁠
Happy Designing!⁠β