What is Dummy Text / Lorem Ipsum⁠⁠?

Dummy text or what is more commonly known among designers as ‘Lorem Ipsum’. It is text that is used in the publishing industry or by web designers as “filler content” until they get actual final copy from the client. This helps aid in visuals when laying out a design. I once had a client who thought I translated copy to some form of Elvish until I had to explain, that no, this is to help you visually see the layout, so please send me copy or people will think you are publishing The Lord of the Rings: Alternate Version.

I have been using Blind Text Generator for years and I love it because their website is super simple and it gives you a variety of options from selecting how many paragraphs you need to the exact number of characters you need. Just copy and paste it into your layout.

Use it when your client hasn’t given you any copy and you need something to fill in the text so that your layout looks nice. Do not succumb to “Place Text Here”. Just don’t. 😫⁠⁠