Let’s Start2024-06-04T12:54:13+00:00

Let’s Start

Contact me at hello@marinaduque.com so that I can get to know a little bit more about your business and branding goals. My advice for any business before they want to brand/re-brand is write down exactly what they want. Research your competition, and ask yourself “what really stands out about my business?”, “what sets me apart from everyone else?”, “what is the number one thing I want to convey to my audience?”.

I will try my best to bring your vision to life!

Design Process Work Flow

Below is the design process work flow listed step by step so you know what to expect with each stage of design. Setting these parameters ensures that your project will run smoothly with no surprises and most importantly be delivered on time and on budget. It is also crucial that we stay on time so that all goals are met.


What are your Services + Design Rates?2024-06-11T18:25:39+00:00

WordPress Websites ~ Please contact

A fully functional informational website containing:

  • Installation of WordPress
  • Domain Connection to Hosting
  • Creation of Emails
  • 5 Page Website
  • Blog Integration
  • Website Theme Installation and associated plugins
  • Social Media Icons
  • (2) IG Posts and Stories to showcase upcoming website and live website
  • IG profile photo if necessary
  • 1 hour tutorial with client for WordPress self maintenance

A single page website with 3-5 sections also starts at the same price.

Shopify Websites ~ Please contact

A fully functional E-commerce website containing:

  • You will need to pay a monthly subscription fee to Shopify, please contact me for more information.
  • My design fees also depends on how many products you are selling / variations of each product.
  • Depending on the nature and size of your products, I also offer product photography. Please inquire.

Other Website Add ons:

  • Logo ~ starting at $400
  • Newsletter Templates Only (Mailmunch / Mailchimp) ~ Basic ($200) / Advance ($250)
  • Mailmunch Newsletter Campaigns: ~ Starting at $350
    • Installation of Mailmunch Plugin into WordPress
    • Newsletter Signup Box + Exit Popup
    • Re-routed Thank You Page
    • Design of New Subscriber Email
    • Design of 1 Newsletter Template for future newsletters
    • Import existing subscribers from Mailchimp (if you were using this)
  • Mailmunch Lead Magnet Campaign
    • Starting at $500
    • Design of Lead Magnet up to 3 page PDF (to be discussed)
    • Installation of Mailmunch Plugin into WordPress
    • Newsletter Signup Box + Exit Popup
    • Re-routed Thank You Page with Lead Magnet Download
    • Design of New Subscriber Email with Lead Magnet Download
    • Design of 1 Newsletter Template for future newsletters
    • Import existing subscribers from Mailchimp (if you were using this)


Please contact me at hello@marinaduque.com for other designs including Business Cards, Postcards, Mail Drops, Posters, Brochures, etc. I can provide to you the final design in digital format for you to take to your printer.


Can I See Some of Your Work?2023-04-28T00:32:23+00:00

Yes! You can find my portfolio here.


Hourly Rate + Fee Schedule2024-05-29T15:01:04+00:00

Hourly Rate
$90 CAD/hour. If your project goes beyond the allotted timeline or scope of the contract, my hourly fee will kick in. But don’t worry, I will be sure to let you know prior.

Fee Schedule
My minimum fee for any project $90. If your project is less than $250, I require full payment before commencing any work. This balance must be paid in full before I send over any final artwork or before your website goes live. Failure to pay the balance will incur interest charges of 2% per month.

If your project is over $250, I require a non-refundable 50% deposit before commencement of any work. Balance is to be paid upon project completion or within 45 days whichever comes first.

How Long Will My Project Take?2024-05-29T15:00:57+00:00

It is imperative that you have all your content organized and named properly before uploading them to Dropbox. Naming them properly in an organized manner will take out the guess work and back and forth communication. I like to have all ideas, images, and copy ready to go, before I start the project. Please name your files accordingly, such as “about.doc”, bio_photo.jpg” etc.

Under normal circumstances, you can expect:

  • Web Projects: 4 – 6 weeks from date of signed contract (I will notify you if there is a delay in production)
  • Print + Logo Projects: Proof within 7-14 business days from signed contract (depending on scope of project)

Can I Modify the Designs Later?2024-05-29T15:00:48+00:00

All of my image work is using the Adobe Creative Suite (Illustrator / Photoshop). Unless you have this software, you won’t be able to edit any graphics on your own.

Another alternative is for you to create and design in Canva.


Having worked in the photo / video industry for the past 15 years, photography and images are what make and break your design. I believe that a true authentic website features your own photos. And by that, I don’t mean a picture that you took with your Nikon Coolpix in the basement under horrendously low light with a flash. I are talking about professional studio shots of your product / service.

I know that it may not be in your marketing budget to hire a professional photographer, so if you must, then do use royalty free stock photography but select them carefully. I do love Unsplash and will help you curate photos selectively.

If you have products and would like me to shoot your products, please inquire.


I take pride in my work and will do my best to complete the project according to your specifications. By going through my process, we should stay on track with the project. There will be time in between to discuss progress so that you are never surprised. However, should there be any discrepancy, I will handle them on a case-by-case basis.

Social Media2024-05-29T14:59:46+00:00

If you are on Social Media, it’s also a good idea to post some hype on your social media to build momentum. I may create some design posts for you so you can share with your followers. After your project is done, I will most likely do a shout out to you on my IG!


Marina Duque retains copyright of all design work until final payment is made after which the copyright will then belong to the client.

If contract is terminated before work is completed, all design work will remain copyright of Marina Duque.

Marina Duque and its subcontractors retain the right to display graphics and other design elements as samples of their work in their respective portfolios.

A link that reads “Designed by Marina Duque” will appear at the bottom of the footer on each page.

Design Process Work Flow

Step 1: Estimate + Invoice + Deposit2024-05-29T15:07:34+00:00

All Estimates + Invoices are in CAD.

  • After preliminary discussion, I will send you an Estimate.
  • After Estimate is approved, I will send you an Invoice. The Invoice will state all the details of your project.


If your project is over $250, a non-refundable 50% deposit is required before commencement of any work. Balance is to be paid upon project completion / before website goes live or within 45 days whichever comes first.

If your project is under $250, full balance must be paid before commencement of any work.

Payment forms:

  • Email Money Transfer (hello@marinaduque.com)
  • Paypal (hello@marinaduque.com)
  • Credit Card (payable through system)

Step 2: Design Questionnaire2024-05-29T15:07:19+00:00

When you are ready to start your design, fill out this Design Questionnaire below. Doing so will give me a better understanding of your design style and what types of web functionality you would like. Provide as much information as you can. I also encourage you to provide any sketches (even if you have to use a napkin), drawings, other samples to aid in the design process. I will require all of your images and copy ideas before the start of your project (Refer to Step 3). 

    Step 3: Dropbox + File Submission2024-05-29T15:05:47+00:00


    I will create a personal and private Dropbox link for you. This is where we can share files. You do not need to have an account, however it would be beneficial to do so. It’s free!

    File Submissions

    Provide your logo in vector format (PDF), or high resolution transparent PNG.

    If you do not have a logo, and if you are an individual, I highly recommend getting a signature logo from Photologo. I have referred many clients to use their services as well as my own name logo is designed by them!

    If you have hired me to design your logo, and depending on my current schedule, I will send you a proof between 7 – 10 days. You are allowed 3 rounds of revisions for changes/modifications. I encourage you to mix and match any of the designs and tweak colours. If changes/modifications exceed 3 passes, my hourly rate of $80 will be applied.

    If you have hired me to do your logo only, once the design has been finalized, remaining balance is due before I supply all final artwork. You will receive a project sign off form stating that the project is now closed.

    Web Copy
    Please create a document in Microsoft Word or Google Docs (this can be shared with me at hello@marinaduque.com) with all the text copy for your website. Organize each set in pages. For example, have “Biography/About” on Page 1, “Products & services” on Page 2, etc.

    Print Copy
    Please do in the same manner as Web Copy.

    Photos / Images
    Provide Photos and Images in high res format.

    *If you have hired Cheryl to do your copywriting (see left for Copywriting Services), her and I can connect on file submission.

    Step 4a: WordPress (Information Website)2024-05-29T15:04:24+00:00


    WordPress is best suited for informational websites. It does not come with a Domain Name (www.yourcompany.com) or Hosting (where your website is stored). If you do not have the following, you will need these 3 things:

    1. Domain Name: Purchase and register your domain name with Godaddy. Follow my tutorial here on how to purchase your domain name.
    2. Hosting: Purchase the Baby Plan from Hostgator. Follow my tutorial here on how to purchase your hosting. Make sure that you select the option “I already have a Domain Name”.
    3. Website Theme: WordPress uses themes. There are a thousand themes out there but the one I use is Avada. It’s my number 1 go to because of it’s versatility. If this means nothing to you, that’s ok! I will take care of it for you :). Avada’s theme costs $60USD for each licence. Please register an account with Envato and purchase the Avada theme.

    After you have signed up for both these services, email me your:

    Because of the intricacies of web design, I usually work on this on a case by case basis in terms of set up and design, however the same general rules apply. You are allowed 3 rounds of revisions for changes/modifications after web design is completed. If changes/modifications exceed 3 passes, my rate of $90/hour will be applied. Once the design has been finalized, remaining balance is due before the site is made live. You will receive a project sign off form stating that the project is now closed.

    Step 4b: Shopify (Ecommerce Website)2024-05-29T15:03:41+00:00


    Shopify is best suited for ecommerce websites and has it’s own built in hosting which is your monthly fee.

    It is best to get your domain through Shopify. If you already have your domain name purchased through Godaddy, that is not a problem, we can link them at the very end. If you have purchased a .ca (Canadian) domain elsewhere, note that Shopify doesn’t currently support domain transfers from .ca domains. You will still need to manage it from where you have purchased it from.

    When you are ready, email me your Shopify username and password.

    Because of the intricacies of web design, I usually work on this on a case by case basis in terms of set up and design, however the same general rules apply. You are allowed 3 rounds of revisions for changes/modifications after web design is completed. If changes/modifications exceed 3 passes, my rate of $90/hour will be applied. Once the design has been finalized, remaining balance is due before the site is made live. You will receive a project sign off form stating that the project is now closed.

    Step 5: Email Newsletter Signups / Campaigns2024-05-29T15:03:25+00:00

    I highly recommend using MailMunch to manage your campaigns. I use to recommend MailChimp in the past and that might be still the best lead generation app out there in terms of breaking down your stats and conversion rates, but MailMunch forms and UI is so much more easier to use. Their forms are also highly customizable making the design on your website more seamless.

    If you are interested in gaining subscribers, sign up for MailMunch and send me your username and password so that I can integrate it into your website.

    Also be sure to read my article on “Everything You Need to Know About a Lead Magnet” and why this is crucial to any newsletter sign up form.

    Step 6: Design Start + Proofing + Changes2024-05-29T15:03:20+00:00

    At this stage, I will begin your design!

    Proofing + Changes: Print
    Once deposit has been received, I will send you a proof of the artwork at a specified time frame depending on your project (usually between 7-10 business days on regular projects). You are allowed 3 rounds of revisions for changes/modifications. This is why it is important to have all of your ducks in a row! If changes/modifications exceed 3 passes, my hourly rate of $90 will be applied. Once the design has been finalized, remaining balance is due before I supply all final artwork. You will receive a project sign off form stating that the project is now closed.

    Proofing + Changes: Logo
    Once deposit has been received, I will send you 2 logo concepts (depending on my current schedule, this can happen between 7-10 business days.) You are allowed 3 rounds of revisions for changes/modifications. I encourage you to mix and match any of the designs and tweak colours. If changes/modifications exceed 3 passes, my hourly rate of $90 will be applied. Once the design has been finalized, remaining balance is due before I supply all final artwork. You will receive a project sign off form stating that the project is now closed.

    Proofing + Changes: Web
    Because of the intricacies of web design, I usually work on this on a case by case basis in terms of set up and design, however the same general rules apply. You are allowed 3 rounds of revisions for changes/modifications after web design is completed. If changes/modifications exceed 3 passes, my lovely rate of $90 will be applied. Once the design has been finalized, remaining balance is due before the site is made live. You will receive a project sign off form stating that the project is now closed.

    Step 7: Final Sweep!2024-05-29T15:03:02+00:00

    At this stage, you can do a final sweep of the entire website with allowance for any minor text changes.

    Step 8: Phone Tutorial + Maintenance2024-05-29T15:02:53+00:00

    We will set up a 1 hour phone tutorial, where I will walk you through the steps on how to access your website and make changes so that you can maintain it yourself. Fire up your computer/laptop, grab that pen and paper and a hot cup of tea/coffee!

    After this tutorial, if you ever wish to refer back, you can visit the Maintenance page where I have video tutorials on how to use the Avada theme and WordPress.

    Recap of What I Need2024-05-29T15:09:04+00:00
    1. Fill out Design Questionnaire in Step 2
    2. Upload all of your files to a folder Dropbox folder that I will send to you
    3. Email me at hello@marinaduque.com, your usernames and passwords (where applicable) for:
      ~ Godaddy
      ~ Hosting (CPANEL only)
      ~ Avada Licence Code
      ~ Shopify
      ~ MailMunch
    4. Fill out the Terms and Conditions directly below


    Terms & Conditions

    Terms & Conditions2024-05-29T14:58:00+00:00

    And lastly, before I start your project, you will be directed back here to check this box to ensure that you agree with all the terms and conditions listed on this page.

      Recommended Products & Services

      We will go over domain and hosting essentials. Below products and services that I have used extensively in my decades of design and ones that I recommend. Rest assured that I will not endorse any product without having used and tried it first hand for myself or with my clients. I may receive a small commission for purchases made through these affiliate links.

      If you would like a more handwritten feel to your logo.

      Your Domain Name. Watch my tutorial and read tips on how to purchase and select a good name.

      Where your website is stored. Select the “Baby Plan”. Watch my tutorial on how to purchase.

      Use Shopify only if you are an Ecommerce store selling products.

      You will need this theme for a WordPress informational website.

      If you would like to send out email campaigns and collect leads, use Mailmunch.

      What’s happens after my website is done?

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