27 June 27, 2017

How Much Does a Logo Cost?

2023-05-02T14:59:34+00:00By |Entrepreneurship, Graphic Design, Illustrator, Marketing, Photoshop, Website Design|

How Much Does a Logo Cost? Logos can go anywhere from being free to $1,000,000 to apparently $1.28 billion. But let's stay a little more realistic shall we? Depending on how much experience the designer you hire has, logo costs can usually be summed up like this: Your Nephew or Yourself: Free Fiverr: $5 + Offshore: $100 ~ $250 Logo Design Contests: $299 ~ $499 Freelancers: $399 ~ $1000 Agency: $1000 ~ $5000 Super Duper Famous: $1,280,000,000 Examples of famous Logos and what they cost But just to give you an idea of some famous brands and what they cost, [...]

31 March 31, 2017

Why is Fiverr Bad?

2023-05-02T14:06:46+00:00By |Entrepreneurship, Graphic Design, Marketing|

Why is Fiverr Bad? I just paid $5 for this horrible logo at horriblelogos.com. This guy gets paid $5 to design ugly logos to feed his beer habit. I think the premise of his site is to make fun of other sites that charge $5 for logos. Ahem Fiverr. And this is the best $5 that I have ever spent. I remember several years ago, my snooty design friends and I were scoffing at the idea of crowdsourcing and logo design contests. How dare they! How dare they devalue us designers! We were always taught to turn away spec work. But let's think [...]

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